Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Favorites

1. Adorable baby nephews

2. Summer Etsy finds (The Cupcake Social)

3. Cool music videos

4. Froyo with lots of mochi bits via

5. Ruth's lovely dresses in Fried Green Tomatoes

6. My friend's new blog about gardening and cooking

Garden of Eden

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


In just 9 more days (give or take) we'll get to meet our baby girl, Sinclair Mae! Our bags are packed and the nursery is decorated, but I don't think we'll ever be fully prepared for parenthood. Wish us luck!

Here are some pictures I've been meaning to share with family and friends. The first set are professional pictures taken by the talented Brandi Hunsicker.

Copyright Brandi Hunsicker

And here are some other photos...

Sinclair at 8 weeks. Of course then we didn't know if she was gonna be a Sinclair or a Grayson.

Sinclair during my 2nd trimester. They grow up so quick.

These are my besties at one of my baby showers. We decorated Days of the Week onesies.

We got a ton of clothes and shoes donated by friends and family.

This is our dryer lint after washing her clothes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Earn Mojo

In my attempt to revive this blog, I've added a new feature. See the little gray tab on the right? My husband has developed a badge system for blogs, websites, and podcasts called Earn Mojo. Basically, you can earn badges for doing specific tasks on someone's blog. For example, you can earn a badge on my blog by visiting the site on my birthday. You can earn a badge by leaving a comment during a giveaway. As the author of the blog, I decide what badges you can earn and I can customize them. It's super easy! Click on the Earn Mojo tab on my blog and try it. Earn badges on The Studious Crafter or start your own badge system on your blog - just email me or leave a comment and I'll send you the username/password. We're still in beta testing mode, so we'd love your feedback!

Image via

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dusting off the cobwebs

Dear blog and any surviving readers,

It's been almost 10 months since my last post, but I have good reason(s) for my absence. I got a new teaching job, bought a new house and there's a baby on the way! There's lots to share and I hope to post as much as I can before the little one arrives.

